we are in the
of making
Positive Change
1. What is the purpose of AV club?
2. Who can join AV club?
AV club is open to believing & non-believing men of any background
​AV club is based in Toronto but there are no geographical restrictions to join
3. How do I join AV club?
4. Are there requirements to join AV club?
Applicant must have the:
1) Desire to Change
2) Willingness to Commit
3) Patience to Endure
5.Why does AV club have subscriptions?
Paid subscription gives legitimacy and a sense of commitment to the cause of the AV club
The goal of the subscriber is to arm themselves with the tools & knowledge within the one-year period and advance to next TIER
A subscriber can continue to remain in a TIER by renewing their subscription (as long as they see fit)
The end goal for all is to reach TIER 4 and remain there steadfast
6.Why are AV club subscribers not called members?
By joining AV club, we subscribe to a lifestyle / a philosophy / and a way of life
7.How will the subscription proceeds be used?
Subscription to all 4 TIERS are a nominal fee and considered ceremonial​
TIER 1 AV SILVER ($2/m | $24/y)
TIER 2 AV GOLD ($4/m | $48/y)
TIER 3 AV PLATINUM ($6/m | $72/y)
TIIER 4 AV DIAMOND ($8/m | $96/y)
Note: Founder and any other working professional at AV club does not draw any salary or benefits from AV club funds
8.What is included with my paid subscription?
​​​Upon joining, AV club subscribers receive a welcome gift package worth between $50 and $100
In addition, all paid subscribers
gain access to exclusive AV club facebook group (free)
gain access to beneficial knowledge content on YouTube (free)
gain beneficial knowledge to improve health, mental and spiritual well being (free)
9.Does AV club protect my personal information?
AV club understands the importance of protecting personal information. Each subscriber record is kept strictly confidential
Therefore before joining, both applicant and AV club must abide by strict confidentiality agreements and sign pledge forms
10.What is the short term goal of AV club?
Grow AV club with the mindset (Quality not Quantity)
Host informal AV club sessions
​Note: AV club does not/will not invest any funds in advertisement (only through word of mouth)
11.What is the long term vision of AV club?
formal venue for gathering/hangout sessions with games, activities
place for prayer (daily and Friday prayer)
AV club retreats with family
host quarterly dinner event with guest speakers, advancement award ceremony, welfare projects, accomplishments etc.
engage in noble causes – charity, helping AV club subscriber families and the local communities – financially and/or other means
(AV club will not raise funds or donate to conflicts around the world. It will focus primarily to help those in need locally, starting with AV club subscribers)
12.What is the plan for operational sustainability as AV club grows?
Partnership with Toronto based organizations through: